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Hey! I'm  Carrie


I am a mommy, sister, aunt, a professional dancer, certified yoga instructor, and most of all, a daughter of Christ! 


Having worked with children teaching dance and with senior citizens as an Activities Professional (in various levels of senior living), I LOVE hearing life stories of others! Stories bring us together and we find connection and appreciation of each other through our words. As an instructor of YogaFaith, my purpose is to bring the word of God into our practices of movement and by living the healthy lifestyle that Christ has designed for us.


I want to know your story & I'd like to share some of mine with you!


My journey in Christian yoga actually started with the guidance of Amy, our Beside Still Waters founder. After having my son, I began struggling with post-partum depression, post-partum anxiety (on top of the generalized depression and anxiety I already had) AND a panic disorder. I was terrified. My way of thinking was intrusive, worrisome and troubled. Daily activities seemed almost impossible. I was a sinking ship and I felt like I was drowning everyday.


With a deep-dive into therapy and the ministries of YogaFaith, my life started turning around - more like upward, looking to Christ! 

As a stay-at-home mother, I knew I needed to be present with my children and partner and my way of thinking was not following the path Christ had set out for me.


The clutter and chaos in my mind slowly transformed into stillness and realness with my Savior. Don't get me wrong -- this is still an ongoing process! I believe we as humans have the opportunity to work daily to be the walking image God has planned for us. 


Along with the struggle of my mental health after my son was born (the storm of post-partum, right?!), my sciatica, piriformis syndrome and spinal stenosis really gave me a physical struggle throughout my pregnancy and even now.


I knew some stretches and strengthening exercises from the dance and kinesiology instruction I received in college, but they weren't helping the pain like I thought they would. Then... in comes Amy and YogaFaith to do the Lord's work!


The poses. The flow. The prayer. The meditation on GOD. I know I may never be completely healed with my physical ailments. However, using the practices of yoga while meditating on the Lord has truly aided in my healing process. The world, our country, our communities, maybe even our friends & families need healing. We all need Jesus! Why not connect the practices some of us are already doing (like Yoga and dance) that already have healing components with the Lord? 


In my sessions and events - virtual or in person - I hope to help others through their storm, using Jesus as the captain, to steer our lifeboat into Still Waters. 




Forever moving by being forever still in Him

OUR Beliefs

My faith is the center of my life and my services - it represents how I live and teach. As a non-denominational Protestant Christian, I believe that there is only one true God eternally existing in three equally divine yet distinct forms - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - who know, love, and glorify one another in complete harmony. As the Lord above all, God creates, sustains, and rules over everyone and everything with perfect love, wisdom, and power, and is worthy of worship.

I believe that God has made Himself known through the world He has created, the words He has spoken, and the Son He has sent to us. Through the Holy Spirit’s guidance over human words, God is revealed in the Bible, which tells a unified story of his gracious work in human history. As God’s Word, the Bible is true, authoritative, and necessary for a connection to God and His world, and is the foundation for all of my essential beliefs and practices.


I believe that Jesus is the son of the living God, the Messiah who sacrificed His life for our sins and returned 3 days after His crucifixion to fulfill God’s promise in the Old Testament. Through Christ, we all are saved, and only those who believe in Him can live an eternal life in Heaven. I believe that all people, from every place and age who have been rescued by Christ, are united together in His universal Church. 

Finally, I believe that Jesus will return to fully establish His kingdom on earth, rightly judge all people, fix what is wrong in creation, and live with His people forever. As we wait in hope for the renewed heavens and earth, we partner now with the Holy Spirit in bringing transformation into every aspect of our lives.


If you want to learn more about my beliefs, please feel free to contact me or my church - CrossRoads Christian Church and we’d love to share the Good News with you!





Exodus 3:13-15; 34:6-7; Deuteronomy 6:4-5; Matthew 5:43-45; Matthew 24:44; John 15:26; 17:5; Acts 1:9-11 ; 17:31; Romans 6:22; 8:19-22; 14:17; 1 Corinthians 8:6; 2 Corinthians 5:10; 15:50-57; 25:26; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9; Titus 2:13; 2 Peter 3:13; Revelation 11:15; 21:1-22:5.


Our Promise

Join the family at Beside Still Waters and open a new side to your relationship with Christ through yoga and meditation, prayer and devotion - bringing about peace, healing, and strength. God has given me the gift of yoga, and my mission is to provide for you the tools and abilities to feel your best and do what the Lord calls you to do! I currently offer several means by which you can learn and grow, so you can choose the best course of action for you!


Additionally, the process of healing through trauma and chronic illness is especially dear to us, and our promise to you is that we will always go at your pace, meeting your needs, so that you can be the best version of yourself. That’s what all this is about and is what God has called us to do. 


Ecclesiastes 4:12 | 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 | 1 Peter 5:6-11 | Romans 8: 1-11


Mission Statement

My purpose is to help you block out the noise of life. The methodologies of Christ-centered yoga will keep you forever moving by being still in Him, bringing about peace, healing, and community.​​​

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